Technological Developments Changing The Orthopedic Industry

As the population ages, the need for new methods of treatment in orthopedic surgery increases. Traditional "metal on metal" joint replacements can wear out and cause painful problems, and the need to come up with new methods for surgery and prosthesis is important to give patients a better quality of life. Here is a look at some of the new developments in technology that can help to improve the field of orthopedics. [Read More]

The Benefits Of Dental Implants Versus Dentures

For generations, dentures were the go-to solution for missing or severely-decayed teeth. These artificial teeth were originally made of wood, but more recently have been constructed of porcelain to mimic the look of natural teeth. A more modern solution to missing teeth is dental implants. Unlike dentures, these artificial teeth are anchored directly into your jaw and don't have to be removed at night. If you're looking for a way to improve your smile and make it easier to enjoy your favorite foods, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of dentures vs. [Read More]

3 Tips For Beating Chronic Heartburn or Acid Reflux

Most people will experience occasional heartburn or acid reflux, but for some people it becomes an ongoing problem. Tackling the problem quickly can help you avoid significant damage to your esophagus. Eat a Simple Diet Try eating a simple diet for a while to determine if you notice a difference in your amount of heartburn and acid reflux. Some foods can make heartburn worse and they are not always obvious. Skip foods with high amounts of acid, such as coffee, tomatoes, citrus, or any product containing these foods. [Read More]

3 Conditions A Colonoscopy Can Detect Or Assist With

After you turn fifty, it is highly recommended that you receive a colonoscopy. During a colonoscopy, a doctor uses a thin, narrow tube with a light and camera attached to examine the intestines--particularly the colon and rectum, to look for symptoms of potential illnesses, as well as potential causes for unexplained symptoms. You might be nervous about receiving a colonoscopy, especially if you have never had one before, but the procedure is very important for detecting serious diseases. [Read More]